Aikido players: None. Ukemi: None tonight. The Walk: None tonight. Releases: None tonight. Techniques: Kata from Omote and Chudan in SMR Jodo. Commentary: None.
Day: June 8, 2024
Aikido Thursday Night - 6/6/24
Aikido players: None. Ukemi: None tonight. The Walk: None tonight. Releases: None tonight. Techniques: Kata from Omote and Chudan in SMR Jodo. Commentary: None.
Aikido Friday Night - 5/31/24
Aikido players: Kim and Kaisie. Ukemi: Slaps and falls. The Walk: Multiple times for repetition. Releases: First and third release. Techniques: Intro to Shomenate Commentary: None
Aikido Thursday Night - 5/30/24
Aikido players: Kim. Ukemi: Basic slaps. The Walk: None. Releases: Not tonight. Techniques: 17 and others from Ju Nana Hon Kata Commentary: None tonight.